Miss Grand United Kingdom 2022

The first Miss Grand United Kingdom is Sofia Mayers, 23, a marketing and sales executive from Kent, England. Nguyen Thuc Thuy Tien, Miss Grand International 2021, and Teresa Chaivisut, vice-president of MGI, attended the event.

During the event, Chaivisut announced that the candidates who placed in the Top 10 of Miss Grand International would remain in Indonesia for the media tour, which will last for about one week. In celebration of its 10th anniversary, MGI will give crowns to all 10 semi-finalists.

Until last year, England, Scotland, and Wales sent representatives to MGI separately, however, now under the organization of the new national director Kathryn Fanshawe, who was Miss Grand Wales in 2020, only one candidate from the United Kingdom will compete.

“No one is you and that is your superpower. Miss Grand International, I am so ready for you!”, said the British Grand representative after being crowned.

The contest was held at the Box Soho Theatre of Varieties, in London, on July 17th.

Congratulations to the winner!!